This blog will explore how to L.L.J.L. inorder to do that you must be a TUPOS. TUPOS is a Greek word that means: leaving a striking impact, example, model, a lasting impression. It is taken from I Timothy 4:12 and is telling us to be a TUPOS with our speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Only when we are a TUPOS in these five areas can we L.L.J.L. (Live Like Jesus Lived and Love Like Jesus Loved).
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Spending Time With God.
I came home for lunch and Caleb climbed up on my lap, he just wanted to talk and laugh, sit by me, he wanted to be close to his daddy it was great! I was so happy… That is how God wants us to spend time with Him, not asking for things or working to please Him, just spending time with Him laughing, listening, talking, just being still. We must come to Him as little children that makes Him smile! *Mark 10:15